About This Game PS.Trading Cards and Achievements will come out with the final version.*Game Introduction *--「The more we learn, the more ignorant we get.」This is an era of discovery. The industrial revolution has just demonstrated its power. With the increasingly emerged new technologies, human beings are free from natural sensory limitations, and the frontier of the cognitive world is expanding at an unprecedented speed.“Yan” is a student of natural history. By coincidence, he has been sent to a natural observation station in the mountain for scientific research......「Though the work is plain and dull, I can discover nothing significant if giving up halfway.」He starts his journey of discovery with this belief.On the way to the unknown world, who is waiting for him? And what would happen between them?*Game Features*Dynamic Live2D pictures, even 2D characters are vivid(especially ears and tail!) Dubbing throughout the game according to Live2D picturesElaborate CGDynamic Performance* Character Introduction *MoriCV:円木左右子Age: 18 / Height: 163cmA feisty fox spirit, living in a temple in the mountains with Lord Sky Fox since childhood. She has little understanding of the human world, so she is full of curiosity.Lord Sky FoxCV:紅葉美兎Age: appears to be 25, no one knows her actual age ? /Height: 168cmA serious adult fox spirit who processes enigmatic ability like a god. She lives with Mori and cares for her, but not knowing how to express. She seems passive and reclusive, perhaps because she is well-informed. 6d5b4406ea Title: Fox Hime ZeroGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:AsicxArtPublisher:SakuraGameRelease Date: 23 May, 2018 Fox Hime Zero Free Download Crack With Full Game fox hime zero ending. fox hime zero. fox hime zero h patch. fox hime zero mori. fox hime zero bgm. fox hime zero dlc. fox hime zero google play. fox hime zero igg. fox hime zero steam badge. fox hime zero wallpaper. fox hime zero cg. fox hime zero google play. fox hime zero patch. fox hime zero youtube. fox hime zero ptt. fox hime zero op. fox hime zero download. fox hime zero steam badge. fox hime zero op. fox hime zero wiki. fox hime zero dlc. fox hime zero steam. fox hime zero ost. fox hime zero badge. fox hime zero mori. fox hime zero wallpaper. fox hime zero r18 patch. fox hime zero. fox hime zero r18 patch. fox hime zero cg. fox hime zero badge. fox hime zero ost. fox hime zero wiki. fox hime zero h. fox hime zero apk. fox hime zero download. fox hime zero - morichan. fox hime zero ending. fox hime zero ptt. fox hime zero apk. fox hime zero youtube. fox hime zero review. fox hime zero soundtrack. fox hime zero patch. fox hime zero review. fox hime zero soundtrack. fox hime zero steam. fox hime zero ios. fox hime zero - morichan. fox hime zero ios. fox hime zero h. fox hime zero h patch. fox hime zero bgm. fox hime zero igg Flawless! almost made me cry XDArt was fantastic, music was soo fitting and emotional!BEAUTIFUL STORYLINE! - For those who are into heavy romance :PVERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!, VERY CUTE!!!!!!!. Sweet storyline and heartwarming.Mori is a good culture.Mori is waifu.. a short visual novel it has a good story and a cute fox and a good VA that really make the fox more livelyi cri for entire scene 6. I just started it, but I'm kinda disappointed you can't pet the fox girl on the head.Edit: Really great "twist" at the very end. A little too sappy at times but overall 4/5. A beautiful story that I recommend to everyone. It's a really cute visual novel.. Yet another type of game that I see myself playing a lot of: games that tackle the subject of humans dealing with spirits or deities. The general concept is the same, but each game I've played has done something different with it. Now I consider Fox Hime Zero both a prequel and a side story, becuase of it being set back so far and because Yan and Mori are presented to have no prior history together. Rather than solely focusing on just one couple, the game seems to bring up spirits' relationships with humans as a whole. It recognizes that fox spirits exist and acknowledges other relationships. In Fox Hime, everything was still kinda secretive, and Yan didn't seem to have to do as much explaining in Fox Hime Zero. However, no matter the setting, it's heartwarming to witness these two connect again. In Fox Hime, it had been established that Yan knew Mori since childhood, so having all the emotions be fresh and new, this time, was really interesting and impactful. This title is far more improved than the last. The errors in grammar and translation were bare minimum, the music was fantastic, and actually having them speak was nice, since I don't think there was voice acting in the last one???(Correct me if I'm wrong please, thank you) The only thing that felt similar was the art style and the way the fox spirits moved and expressed themselves.(Unless that was or wasn't in the last one as well, I don't know, either it's been THAT long since I've played Fox Hime, or it's just THAT forgettable, whoops. It was still good, though. My review isn't all that special, but it's up as well if you're interested lol) Big point I'm trying to make is that this is good and even better than the last one and you can choose to play it without playing the other one or check it out if it interests you that much.. Great game. It's simply a story of love. No hentai whatsoever, so I liked that a lot, sometimes I like to have a little fun without any sexual connotation.You only have to click and do nothing more. So yeah, it's not a game per se, but for the money I spent it was a good romance story, so I'm happy with the product...PS: What's is love? Baby, don't vanish, don't vanish, no more... NEW VERSION RELEASED 【版本更新】: A new update is out! It fixes numerous issues: - Reduced the difficulty of the tenth level. - Enlarged all the in-game fonts from 22 to 26. - Fixed buff effects of some monsters. - Small changes to some parts of the maps. - Modification of some of the dialogue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:Because of some limitations of the RPGMaker engine, we have limited functionality for taking screenshots. We are looking into how we can improve this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are working hard on fixing the issues players are having with the game! Thank you for sticking with us! 降低了游戏前期难度增大字体到22-26修正了部分怪兽的buff效果细微改变了部分地图内容修改了结局对话的顺序. Glider Island Evil Maze Evil Maze 2 has Launched: https://store.steampowered.com/app/973060/I wish you have a good time in my game.Don't know how to say that...!Excitement! Thank you for your love and support.Try to achieve GOOD END !Ah..... I hope you can find hidden treasures smoothly! Then defeat Boss!. Q&A SEASON 2 ||【游戏问答 2】: New update is live that addresses numerous bugs and issues that players were having! Please update to the latest version.Any other unofficial steam verson patch will crash the game~pls use steam to update the game~I am a Independent developer I'm a poor programmer who doesn't have enough money to pay for the advertising. Have no experience to do publicity. # I promise not to make any ads for the game by myself ! In Steam .some of my friends want me to give them some key~ I'll send some of the games key to my friends . that's all if you like this game!you can find the love in this game~less is more love u!-----------------------------------------------------老团队已经解散了!我们已经下线游戏!不再对老版本开发任何了!新的版本测试很多次了!只要不加其他的补丁,只更新steam游戏内容的话是不会跳出的~!其他版本的游戏 和 STEAM版本不兼容的!如果使用很容易跳出的说!请大家谨慎使用呀!我是一个穷湿湿的程序员 没有足够的金钱能力去支付广告费也没有经验去做宣传~我保证没有对游戏做任何广告!steam中一些朋友希望我给他们一些key~我会将一些游戏的key发给朋友们~这就是我所做的!如果你真的喜欢这个游戏!你会看到游戏中的爱!少即是多!很多评价!无论好与坏!玩了几分钟恶评的,和玩了很长时间好评的或者游戏不足的建议的~没有爱对比有爱的~聪明的朋友一看明白了!我不需要过多解释~一切都在游戏中体验吧~爱大家!. 10/17/2018 Update Log: 1. Supports replaying voice. Now we can enjoy the voices of Mori and Ruri again and again :)2. Supports rewriting save files;3. Supports starting a new game directly;4. Supports jumping to the inputed page directly in the review mode.. New Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1088400/DungeonMaze/. Video guide! 【视频攻略】: Thanks to player Pineapple who made a guide video for this game!I am your fan now!Check it out!---------------------------------------------------------------------感谢菠萝 的 游戏完全攻略实况解说!爱你哟!我已经成为你的粉丝!大家一起来分享游戏通关经验吧!哟哟柴可闹!煎饼果子来一套!---------------------------------------------------------------------the link :http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTYxMjM1MzUzNg==.html?from=y1.7-1.2. HORROR FOREST DLC ADD 5 DREAM LEVELS: FIXED SOME BUGS IN HORROR FOREST DLC ANDADD 5 NEW LEVELS IN ALMA'S DREAM ENJOY IT ! http://store.steampowered.com/app/498540/Evil_Maze_Horror_Forest_DLC/. Response to censorship questions: This game originated from a previous version which is no longer being sold.It was created by our old group which dissolved after the launch of the previous version.This game is what is left from that group.The new team for this game is ZOV GAME STUDIO, created from the ashes of our old group.Many changes were made to the original version for this Steam release which has raised some questions.The biggest question is why this game is censored:Our main goal in this was to make this game for all ages so that it reach a larger audience.We are currently working on a DLC which will make it more like the original though, so stay tuned!. new version released!新版本更新!: Some small fixes:-Enhanced magic -Reduced the probability of blindness state -New design for the hit sounds -improved the difficulty balance of the game-------------------------------------------------------------增强魔法降低致盲概率增加打击音效修正游戏平衡
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